Green Impact- Environmental Conservatives

Environmental conservation is no longer a radical or “new age” concept. It has been proven that the human race is having a devastating impact on the environment, and that we cannot continue on our current path without dire consequences. As a result, many conservative politicians are beginning to realize the importance of protecting the environment and are making changes to their policy platforms.

Recycled plastic is a type of plastic that has been processed and melted down to be made into new products. It is a way of reusing plastic that would otherwise be thrown away. Plastic is a material that is easy to work with and can be molded into different shapes, making it ideal for recycling.

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Do you know what those chasing arrows and numbers on plastic products mean? They’re called plastic resin codes, and they indicate the type of plastic resin used in the product. In Ireland, there’s no need to worry about these codes – all rigid plastics can be placed in the household recycling bin, regardless of the code. So next time you see those symbols and numbers, you’ll know that they’re not just there for decoration – they actually tell you something useful!

The purpose of these symbols is to identify the type of plastic resin used in an item. In Ireland, all plastics can be placed in household recycling bins, regardless of number, colour or symbol. For more guidance on what plastics can be recycled, please see ‘What Can I Recycle?’ and ‘Recycling FAQs’ or visit

Green Impact- Environmental Conservatives

No.1: PET

PET plastic is most commonly known for its use in water and soda bottles, but this versatile material is also used in a wide variety of other products, from food containers to clothing.


HDPE has excellent chemical resistance and can be used in contact with food. It is easy to process and has a low cost. It can even be UV resistant to enhance its weather resistance for use in playground equipment.

No.3 PVC

PVC is the only plastic among the five major plastics (PE, PVC, PP, PS, PET) that contains chlorine. By adding chlorine, the flexibility of the product can be changed. PVC without any plasticizer is very hard, but PVC with plasticizer can be as soft as plastic wrap.


Low density polyethylene is a type of HDPE that is flexible and has good chemical resistance. It can be used to make plastic bags and wraps, as well as packaging for medical equipment and medication. However, because it has a low density, it only has a heat resistance of 70-90 degrees.

No.5 -PP

Polypropylene is a white, odorless, and non-toxic polymer that is used in a variety of industries due to its shatter-resistant, impact-resistant, and heat-resistant properties.

No.6 (PS)

Polystyrene (PS):

PS is a type of plastic commonly known as “Styrofoam.” It is used in a variety of products, from food containers to packaging material. so-called “eternally plastic” material, which is said to be able to outlive sea turtles.

No.7 Others

Other plastics that don’t fall into the six categories above are recycled as type 7 plastic. This includes products made from rice husks, like NPP low-carbon environmental protection bottles.

HDPE high density polyethylene is a material that complies with EU ROHS standards. It is environmentally friendly and can be recycled. Plastic products made from HDPE are widely used and are of high quality. In our category we most chose the material with highly recommendation for HDPE


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